#238 汚


                     I am dirty things of everybody.(僕は皆の汚れ物です。)
                     It is existence such as the garbage which I pick up a nose , and is hated.(鼻をつまんで嫌がられるゴミのような存在です。)
                     I am a swelling of everybody.(僕は皆の腫れ物です。)
                     It is existence such as the garbage which I pick it up with a finger , and is thrown away.(指でつまんで捨てられるゴミのような存在です。)
                     I am the filth which is only looked down on.(僕は見下されるだけの汚物です。)
                     I am the refuse which is only trod.(僕は踏み潰されるだけの滓です。)
                     It is the toy which it is pointed to the finger as for me , and is only laughed at.(僕は指を指されて笑われるだけの玩具です。)
                     It is the junk which I am played with until I get tired , and is only thrown away.(僕は飽きるまで弄ばれて棄てられるだけのガラクタです。)




                                          ラフはこちら。                                                      もどる。